The Wall: A Generation Later from Jim Southard on Vimeo.
It was 20 years ago today when the Berlin Wall fell. In one moment, God brought down a barrier that kept a significant part of the world in isolation and spiritual darkness. May we never forget the sense of awe that came upon us all when we heard the wall came down!
Many missionary efforts have today skipped past Eastern Europe and are heading toward China, Africa and even the Muslim Republics of Asia. Praise God for these missionary efforts! However, the belief that Eastern Europe is “reached” with the gospel is wrong. Although there are many religious expressions in Eastern Europe today, most countries of Eastern Europe have less than 1% of their population as Christ-followers.
There are probably more evangelicals who attend services at your local mega-church on a given Sunday than evangelicals who are in attendance in churches across some ENTIRE countries in Eastern Europe. However, the vast majority of Eastern Europe, including several Muslim countries, is wide open to Christian missionaries. We need your help; we need your church’s help. The Lord deserves the worship of the people of Eastern Europe.
There is no greater cause than the work of His harvest field. May we lay aside the weaker causes and the idols that drain away our vitality, rob us of our vision, and distract our focus on Him. As the Westminster Catechism reminds us, “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
Thank you for helping our family to glorify God in Eastern Europe. Please take a moment today and thank Him for bringing down the wall 20 years ago and please pray for the missionary effort across Eastern Europe and Russia.
"As long as I see anything to be done for God, life is worth having; but O how vain and unworthy it is to live for any lower end!" David Brainerd, missionary to Native Americans