
Buda Castle, Budapest

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Crown Ministries and Financial Shepherding in Romania

When I lead a meeting, I command respect and my hearers lean on my every word!  

One day I led discussion with some of our leadership on re-writing financial policies for support raising as well as ways to implement coaching, training and shepherding for our Romanian missionaries in their donor development efforts.   This is a picture of all the great staff in Romania with whom I work closely in these efforts.
For two days, Crown Financial Ministries led a training for our missionaries in Romania.   There is an influential school of thought in the churches of Romania that says to have money is not to be spiritual and is to not trust in God.  Therefore there is little planning, budgeting, saving, giving or avoiding of debt among many Romanian Christians.  This seminar was one of our attempts to help change the culture, beginning with our ministry.

I am in the middle.  To the left with the argyle sweater is Andrew from Bulgaria and on the other side is Titus from Romania.  These were the guys from Crown Europe who taught the seminar to our staff.       They did a great job!