
Buda Castle, Budapest

Monday, November 05, 2012

Partnering with our Church in Atlanta to Share the Gospel among Albanian College Students and Hungarian High School Students.

In mid-October a team from our home church in Atlanta met me in Tirana, Albania, to witness to the mostly Muslim students of that city.

Our main purpose was to come alongside Campus Crusade's student ministry team of Albanians and help them initiate with students and share Christ.  Here Paul Martin (right) shares his faith over espresso at an outdoor cafe. 
Two years ago Bruce Horacek (far right) came to Albania with a church team and led "Robert" (left, grey shirt) to Christ. On this trip, Bruce returned and teamed up with Robert to share Christ with other students
Renis (right, red t-shirt) is an intern with our campus ministry in Tirana and he spent several days translating for me (white t-shirt).  Here we are talking with two young men; one of whom ("Andrew", 2nd from left) was willing to talk about Jesus even though he had been raised in a Muslim culture.

Hammerin' Hank Garmon is shown here having a spiritual dialogue with a gathering of interested Albanian students.

Sherry (far right) and one of our staff ladies, Angjelina (next to Sherry), witness to 3 Albanian college girls, several of whom expressed atheism as their belief system.  With Angjelina's help, Sherry was able to clearly lay out the gospel for these girls and made 3 new friends in the process.
At the end of the week, the team from Atlanta traveled with me back to my home in Budapest. There we spent a day being guest lecturers of English in a local high school.  These are the students of one of the classrooms where we taught.  After a full day of classes where we taught English, we invited students to meet us at a nearby McDonalds where we could talk more openly about our faith in Jesus.   Students came, the gospel was shared and contacts were made for our full-time Hungarian high school staff to follow up with.
At the end of the week we had a big party at our home in Budapest to celebrate all we saw the Lord do: in Albania, in Hungary and in our own hearts.  We invited over some good friends among our Hungarian Campus Crusade staff.   EB had her favorite Hungarian cook make authentic goulash, cabbage rolls and chocolate palicsinkas while EB added her world-famous fruit tea and lemonade.  No one left Hungary hungry. 

Three Hungarian men who are stalwarts of the work of the gospel among students in Budapest.  From left: Adam Czibulya, Gabi Madarasz (holding his son "Gaboo") and Andras Galambas.  

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